Rowing against the wind

Row of Life Search: Day 1 – July 29, 2020 (continued story)

In the introduction of Angela’s book, “Rowing Against the Wind”, Angela writes, “It is my experience that our life’s purpose may or may not be revealed at a later time. From time to time, I get bits and pieces that keep me on the correct path.”

It’s amazing how a team of people can come together for a mission, without knowing each other beforehand. I had only met Angela’s family, Debra Bogan Madsen and Margo Davis Mott the night before. Russ and Janell had never officially met Angela. They had just became friends with Deb and Margo through the trip, too. As I arrived at SV Blue Moon (a 52ft sloop Jeanneau), the last rounds of groceries were brought aboard by Deb and Margo. We all had a delightful breakfast together and then went straight to finalizing the boat for departure. A couple of reporters, Hawaii Yacht Club members, and a camera man also came to bid us farewell.

At the time we did not quite know the purpose of the trip…whether we’d come back with Row of Life or not. But we were going on a journey, and from time to time, I’d get bits and pieces that regardless of the outcome we were meant to do our best. Above all we were exactly where we meant to be…at sea in honor of Angela.